Monday 3 February 2020

VIM cheatsheet... and how to exit it!


e             go to end of the current word
b             go to beginning of the current word
⇧ + $   go to an end of the current line
⇧ + ^   go to beginning of the current line
gg           go to beginning of the file
⇧ + q   go to end of the file


/      enter search (forward) mode
?               enter search (back) mode
n               next occurrence


u             undo
o             open new line below and go to insert mode
⇧ + o   open new line above and go to insert mode
%            jump to corresponding bracket
:q           quit
:wq        write changes & quit
:q!        quit without saving changes

Text manipulation

x               delete character being under cursor
r               replace a single character being under cursor
c + e      remove all characters from cursor to an and of given word
c + b      remove all characters from cursor to beginning of the given word 
c3e           remove next 3 words
5dd           remove next 5 lines
ci{           remove all content in between brackets
*                highlight all occurrences of a current word
⇧ + v      mark whole line
v                mark a custom selection
yy              copy whole line
y       copy selection
d                cut selection
p                paste below
⇧ + p      paste above


:set nocompatible "Use the newest features
:set number "Let's activate line numbers.
:set incsearch            "Live search
:set hlsearch               "Highlight search occurrences
:set autoindent  "Auto indent in code
:syntax on "Syntax highlightning
:set mouse=a "Enable mouse

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